Learning to Relax
Being a mom can be an attention monopolizing task. Very often I have a nagging feeling that I'm not doing what I'm supposed to be doing...

Christmas Series: #3 Trees & Decorations
Last year we decided to break from tradition and we didn't put up a Christmas tree or any decorations. No Christmas stockings, no Father...

Christmas Series: #2 Father Christmas and Christmas Stockings
Deciding on whether or not to continue with the tradition of Father Christmas and Christmas stockings seems to be a hot topic in many...

Christmas Series: #1 The Focus
I was fetching my son from preschool the other day and looking at the art they had displayed on the pinboards in the corridor. Over the...

Persevering When You Want to Give Up
I just saw the chiropractor again. It has been about 21 months since I fell and tore my hips apart at the front and back joints. It has...
Baby's First Steps
No matter how many children you've had, each one is unique and delighted in. God is like that with us, too, finding delight in our...
Journeying with Young Ones
In the last little while I have felt like my children can't leave me alone! I am a mom who often gets down on the floor and plays with...
Early Character Development
They say that if you want a value to become inherent in a child then you should teach them very young, rather than protect them from the...

Raising Boys - the balance of teaching strength and leadership with humility and obedience
Boys are delicious! Everyone says bringing up boys is easy, but I think it is a complicated and awesome responsibility. Our eldest boy,...
Bible Storytelling
This post is for those of us who believe that the bible will change your life as you are exposed to God through it. When we put our kids...