Less Than Perfect Parenting
There are people who tell me that they often think to themselves, "What would Jaci do or say in this particular parenting situation?" In...
Mom the Martyr
I had an interesting chat with a beautiful young mom the other day. She is a dedicated mother who is willing to put in the hard yards to...
The World's Children
During one of my pregnancies, I was doing my groceries, standing in the aisle with my trolley when a man with a briefcase walked past. He...
I Don't Like My Child
What happens when you just don't like your child? Have you ever had a toddler who is a biter and you're too embarrassed to let him play...
Combatting the Lies Children are Taught
Everyday our children are exposed to media and peers that would tell them enough distorted truths and outright lies to entrench a false...
Shaping Children Individually
Not long ago my daughter had a piano test on the same day as a spelling and math test. I caught myself saying to her today, "Do your...
Outcome Based Parenting
With our lives being in transition at the moment, our kids schooling is also not certain. The options are no longer decided and so we...
Seasons of Motherhood
The intense demanding season of motherhood is not forever. We need to have the wisdom to correctly judge what season we're in. You have...
Parenting To Please Children
My daughter asked me, "Mommy, why do some mommies let their daughters wear clothes that are… you know, grown-up clothes, not meant for...
Training Life Skills in our Children
Whenever I hear a conversation going on between any of my children that sounds like it might have an unpleasant tone to it, I Ioiter...