My Husband, My Friend
Many people wonder about what their special purpose in life is. Why do you think God made you. In Genesis, it speaks about God creating woman because he didn't think it was good for man to be alone. In Titus 2:4 we are taught to 'love' our husbands. You would expect that we have to choose to love our husband with a love that is a family kind of love – you just do it no matter how you feel. Interesting that the word used in Titus is not just agape love, butphileo, friendship love. God is asking us to be our husband’s friend.
I'm aware that for some people, marriage is not a bed of roses. For those of you who actually don’t really like your husband’s, don’t we know that even mean, stubborn, horrible people need friends? God wants your husband to have a friend and He sent you. You are on assignment from God to be your husband's much-needed friend.
So, look at the way you speak to your girl friends… Do you listen politely when they are speaking about their interests that are different to yours? How do you answer the phone to them? Does it go, “Hello? Oh Hi!”, or “Hello? Oh...yes?”
How do you listen to your husband when he speaks about the rugby, or wants to tell you a play-by-play of his golf game? Do you speak to him with kindness and fondness? Do you do things he wants to do and go places he wants to go, just so you can experience life with your friend?
Remember, God has made you for a specific purpose, and one of those purposes was because he saw that your husband needed a friend. You're tailor-made to fit the job!