Teaching Kids to Pray
We have a habit of getting together on our bed with all the kids in the morning and reading the bible and taking turns in praying. It is...

Supplying an Endless Barrage of Needs
It was a Sunday morning and my house looked like a train had hit it. Dishes were everywhere, the floor had more than one meal's worth of...

The Lies We Believe
I have a unsettled feeling in me and I'm not feeling too good about myself. I snap at the children to get out from under my feet and into...

A Moment of Sanity
My husband knows I have had a 'full' day when he arrives home to find me in the bath at 4:30 in the afternoon, completely immersed in...

Keeping in Touch with Pop Culture
My husband shocked us the other night, leaving our two daughters gaping and giggling for ages. We were out for a family dinner as an...

Christmas Series: #3 Trees & Decorations
Last year we decided to break from tradition and we didn't put up a Christmas tree or any decorations. No Christmas stockings, no Father...

Christmas Series: #2 Father Christmas and Christmas Stockings
Deciding on whether or not to continue with the tradition of Father Christmas and Christmas stockings seems to be a hot topic in many...

Christmas Series: #1 The Focus
I was fetching my son from preschool the other day and looking at the art they had displayed on the pinboards in the corridor. Over the...
Bible Storytelling
This post is for those of us who believe that the bible will change your life as you are exposed to God through it. When we put our kids...
Less Than Perfect Parenting
There are people who tell me that they often think to themselves, "What would Jaci do or say in this particular parenting situation?" In...