Keys to Extraordinary Parenting
There’s nothing like the start of a new year to make you realise how quickly your 'baby' is growing up. It seems like just yesterday that...

Supplying an Endless Barrage of Needs
It was a Sunday morning and my house looked like a train had hit it. Dishes were everywhere, the floor had more than one meal's worth of...

A Moment of Sanity
My husband knows I have had a 'full' day when he arrives home to find me in the bath at 4:30 in the afternoon, completely immersed in...
Less Than Perfect Parenting
There are people who tell me that they often think to themselves, "What would Jaci do or say in this particular parenting situation?" In...
I Don't Like My Child
What happens when you just don't like your child? Have you ever had a toddler who is a biter and you're too embarrassed to let him play...