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Moving Day

The truck arrived at dawn today. We are finished a productive and rewarding season of leading a church here on the south coast of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa. As the boxes are being loaded I wonder how many of them we'll ever unpack. Out of sight, out of mind. There are so few things in the boxes that we'd truly miss.

The thing is, we don't yet know what our next season is. We're moving into a temporary home in Durban where we will rent until God speaks. We won't hang pictures or unpack more than the basics. Depending on where we end up, we might never unpack more than the basics.

In the past, when God has given us direction, we have always had a little inkling of doubt that He had truly spoken. Now in the absence of his leading, those quiet promptings seem like thunder claps. The silence is such a vast difference.

But He has been kind. He has told us time and time again that there is something. He has a plan for us, a use for us. He has promised wonderful things. He just won't yet say what!

So we're not the least bit nervous. We know God's hand is firmly on us for an exciting future. As one of His words have been - it's the moment before the race . Prep time is over. Shake the muscles, psych the brain. The main event is moments away. How very exciting! And there is no guide we'd rather have than the One who sees all. Another word said that we had made our choice for our future. We chose Him, and our choice is His choice. "He will choose your inheritance" Psalm 47:4 says.

Bring it on!




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Purposeful Parenting is an essential read for every Christian parent and a life-changing read for every other parent! It's such an amazing picture of how intimately God loves us and how He does show us how to parent.

~ Tonya Seiler, mother of 3 boys (Durban, South Africa)


I'm reading it. A brilliant quick read. So life-giving and practical. Get it!

~ Julie Williams, pastor's wife and mother of 3 (Cape Town, South Africa)


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